Use "discredit|discredited|discrediting|discredits" in a sentence

1. This new evidence discredits earlier findings.

2. The Cateran are discredited clan warriors

3. He's just trying to discredit me.

4. They're trying to discredit you.

5. She brought the whole system into discredit.

6. He is a discredit to his family.

7. Laffitte left office discredited politically and financially ruined.

8. Destroy him or discredit him immediately.

9. Freud's been discredited, But jung still has His merits.

10. Violent fans bring discredit on their teams.

11. There was good reason to discredit the witness.

12. They made an effort to discredit the politician.

13. Such behavior can only reflect discredit upon you.

14. Antonyms for Avouches include denies, gainsays, abandons, asks, condemns, deserts, disavows, disclaims, discredits and disputes

15. And the whole idea of revolution will be discredited.

16. They were a discredit to their country.

17. Their behaviour has bought discredit on English football.

18. That boy is a discredit to his family.

19. After beggaring their adherents, these policies are now utterly discredited.

20. The disclosure of cheating, and plagiary discredited him thoroughly.

21. Sure enough, I found a book that discredited the Prophet Joseph.

22. In the late 1920s, scientific portions of his book were discredited.

23. The reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited.

24. His selfish decision is greatly to his discredit.

25. Such looseness throws discredit on the whole work.

26. They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians.

27. Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition.

28. The police, to their discredit, arrived too late.

29. By telling lies he brought discredit upon Parliament.

30. Although the last two papers I've written were widely discredited.

31. 3 In the United States eugenics became almost completely discredited.

32. Antonyms for Averring include denying, gainsaying, disclaiming, discrediting, disproving, forgetting, questioning, refuting, contradicting and disputing

33. The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President.

34. There is no reason to discredit what she says.

35. My brother's behaviour did great discredit to the family.

36. Britain, to its discredit, did not speak out against these atrocities.

37. The invaders did not remain, but Khosrow was discredited, deposed, and executed.

38. Once discredited in economic terms, authoritarian regimes tend to lose their grip.

39. Taoism was discredited on account of its magical and superstitious practices.

40. Synonyms for Attainting include disgracing, shaming, degrading, debasing, staining, tainting, defaming, discrediting, dishonouring and stigmatising

41. As a result, the teaching of creationism actually discredits the Bible, making it appear unreasonable and inaccurate.

42. The plaintiff's sole witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited.

43. The behaviour of fans has brought discredit on English football.

44. Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support.

45. If there is any discredit, you bring it upon yourself.

46. 6 synonyms for Confute: belie, discredit, disprove, rebut, refute, disprove

47. It does us great discredit to treat foreigners so badly.

48. To his discredit, he knew about the problem but said nothing.

49. The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims.

50. Johnson became committed to discrediting the civil rights movement and asked Hoover to provide the ammunition.

51. How wise, then, not to cling to the discredited “peg” of Christendom!

52. When the cross-examination is completed, the witness has been largely discredited.

53. They may have brought dishonor upon God’s name and discredited the congregation.

54. Even prominent clergymen have made public statements that discredit the Bible.

55. 46 synonyms for Belittle: run down, dismiss, diminish, put down, underestimate, discredit, ridicule

56. Your failure reflects no discredit upon you—you did your best.

57. That guy is a discredit to his family and relatives and friends.

58. For the courts to take upon themselves the task of making this determination is a stultifying, even a discrediting, exercise.

59. He had to discredit every word you ever said about your father.

60. Britain, to its discredit(, did not speak out against these atrocities.

61. Sun's party quickly began to publish literature about Chen to discredit him.

62. One should discredit a good deal of what is printed in newspapers.

63. This impoverishing definition is even easier to discredit than the monetarist description.

64. Synonyms for Confuted include disproved, disproven, discredited, refuted, rebutted, contradicted, invalidated, negated, controverted and confounded

65. Antonyms for Acceded include denied, rejected, disavowed, discredited, disproved, disacknowledged, rebutted, refuted, repudiated and withsaid

66. 22 For others, Urbank was only a re-invention of the discredited urban renewal program.

67. Antonyms for Corroborated include disproved, challenged, contradicted, discredited, invalidated, opposed, rebutted, refuted, countered and denied

68. Discredited by the government after revealing the existence of Alphas in Season One, Dr

69. This argument, long discredited, resonates in the actions of the Iraqi insurgents and their fanatical allies.

70. Altaic /ælˈteɪɨk/ is a proposed, but widely discredited, language family of central Eurasia

71. Tis less discredit to abridge petty charges, than to stoop to petty gettings.

72. Vulnerable to danger especially of discredit or suspicion Familiarity information: Compromising used as …

73. "Animalizing humans" to discredit and dehumanize them falsifies who animals are

74. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged when he was charged with libel.

75. Calculated attempt • It was not defensive, but a Calculated attempt to discredit Lloyd George

76. Synonyms for Belied include disproved, disproven, contradicted, discredited, confuted, refuted, debunked, rebutted, controverted and denied

77. Such accusations rest on assumptions, and Buchanan's biography is today discredited as "almost complete fantasy".

78. But he is a man presiding over a collapsing economy and a discredited political system.

79. However, the theme of attempting to discredit the woman in the witness box continues.

80. In fact, a good deal of material discrediting the Mills Commission report is now available in the Hall of Fame.